
Sit/stand desk and why your staff should have them

Written by Marketing | 08-May-2019 16:32:34

Millions of people worldwide sit at a desk all day, and over recent years this has led to the increase of physical inactivity in the workplace- now described as ‘sitting disease’. Long periods of sitting can cause harmful effects on health such as weight increase and neck and back pains. To help combat these modern day problems sit/stand desks have been introduced into the workplace allowing staff members to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. 

4 reasons why your staff should have an Autonomy Pro sit/stand desk

The health and safety of staff is (or should be) a high priority for any employer and the introduction of sit/stand desks into the workplace have many benefits for both staff and employer.

  • Not only do sit/stand desk help improve well-being and posture, but productivity, morale and energy levels also rise.
  • Recent studies have found that sit/stand desks reduce complaints of pain during the working day, which help to reduce the number of ‘sick days’ staff take during the year.
  • A reduction in furniture moving costs as desks can be easily adjusted for new employees
  • Morale boost as employees are using the latest up-to-date equipment to improve health and safety supplied by the employer.

Staff soon learn which tasks can be carried out whilst sitting and standing; for example taking telephone calls can be done whilst standing but work which requires more concentration is best done sitting. This simple change in the normal work dynamics can easily be overcome and will soon become second nature to everyone.

The health and safety of staff is important- healthy and happy staff mean more productivity. The introduction of sit/stand desks into the workplace will help combat the modern day ‘sitting disease’ and improve staffs health.

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